Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s grace, which was given me by the working of his power.
In verse 6, Paul had said that Gentiles are fellow heirs and members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus. How is that possible? Through the gospel.
Now in verse 7, Paul says that he was made a minister of that gospel. That means he is a steward or caretaker of it. His life is involved with serving the cause of the gospel.
How did he come to this position? He tells us that it came as a result of the gift of God’s grace. In other words, he was given this service through no merit if his own, but only because God decided to give it to him.
But, this isn’t an easy thing to be taken for granted. It was given by the working (energizing) of God’s power.
So let’s make sure we have the picture. Paul was a Jewish leader, stridently against the teachings of Christians. God met him on the road to Damascus and turned his life around. Then out of sheer grace and with the almighty power of the spirit of God, God handed him this work of service of the gospel. This message essentially told Gentiles they were in. Believe the gospel and you’re in.
Exported from Logos Bible Software, 9:40 AM November 24, 2020.