Ephesians 5:31-33

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Christ nourishes and cherishes His body because we are members of His body. Just as we humans care for our bodies, Jesus cares for His body which happens to include us. This is the truth that ended verse 30.

Now verse 31 begins with the word, therefore. Because of the truth we have just studied in the previous verses and Christ’s love and care for His body ,… because of those truths, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

The nature of marriage in the leaving and joining of two into one is a picture of the truth of Christ being one body with the church. He is the head. We are members of His body. Some manuscripts even add the words “of His flesh and of His bones” at the end of verse 30. We need to recognize that if we have trusted Christ, we have been joined literally to Him. Marriage is to be a picture of this truth lived out in living color for the world to see.

When marriages break up, it is a violent thing, according to Malachi, and covers ones garments with blood. Divorce not only destroys the marriage, but it destroys the picture of Christ and the church and gives the world a false impression of the reality of that union.

This section wraps up with the challenge to each of us to love his wife as he loves himself. And the wife is given the challenge to respect her husband. The times we live in are not favorable to marriage, but we Christians need to do all we can with God’s help to live the married life in a way that is honoring to God and a testimony to the world.


Ephesians 5:28-30

In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.” (Ephesians 5:28–30)

Following up on our thoughts last time, Paul says that husbands should love their wives the way Christ loves the church. We discussed that part of the verse earlier, making the point that our love of our wife should help her become more holy and blameless.

Verse 28 goes on to say, “He who loves his wife, loves himself. That’s kind of a strange way to express this, but it is an important statement. The Bible says that a husband and wife are one. Malachi 2 explains that the reason for that oneness is that God desires godly offspring. The purpose of uniting a man and a woman is not only for companionship, but also because God is looking for godly offspring. Not just offspring, but godly offspring. Further, Malachi explains that a divorce is a violent, bloody thing. Why? Because God has made them one. That’s why Jesus says, “what God has joined together, let not man separate,” Matthew 19:6. When God joins two things together, it is a strong joint. Separating tears at all aspects of the bond.

A husband and wife are not metaphorically one. They are, at least in God’s eyes, actually one. That leads us back to this verse. When a man loves his wife he loves himself. Your wife is one with you.

Verse 29 carries the theme with the obvious statement that no one ever hated his body, but loves it and takes care of it and nourishes it. We do nourish it, don’t we guys? Since we are one with our wife, loving our wife is equivalent with loving our self. Now, think about this: When we act in selfish or competitive ways toward our spouse, we are not living in the light of this truth. We are one. So if our wife gains in some way, we have gained in some way. Jealousy over some thing or honor she may have received is an indication that we really don’t believe in this oneness.

In the same way, Christ loves the Church because the Church is His body. We are one with Christ. Christ loves Himself in the right way and therefore He also loves us because we are part of His body.


Ephesians 5:27

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.

A husband’s relationship to his wife is compared to Christ’s relationship to the church. And the husband is supposed to love his wife like Christ loves the church.

One of the purposes for the cleansing of the church discussed last time, is that Jesus might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, holy and blemish-free. The next verse begins with “In the same way husbands should love their wives.”

Jesus’ goal in cleansing His bride with the word was to make her holy, etc. In the same way, we husbands should be using the Word of God to help our wife grow in holiness. There are two reasons for this in my opinion.

First, holiness is something God seeks. Therefore, by helping our wife grow in holiness through our ministry of the Word to her, we are helping her to be more Christ-like, and therefore we are used of God for the sanctification of one of His children, namely, our wife.

But the second reason, I think, is more subtle. Jesus uses the Word to sanctify His wife so that He might present her to Himself without spot, etc. Could it be that one of the outcomes of our ministry to our wife through the Word is that we might present our wife to our self as a more beautiful, spiritual, godly person? Think what that would mean for our marriage, our relationship, and our testimony to both family and friends.

Because there is no such person as described here as holy and without blemish in actual living, an important truth to keep in mind is that we are made holy by the blood of Christ and declared to be so based on the fact that we believe the gospel. That means a key part of our responsibility to our wife, and our family as well, is to make sure they understand the gospel and are standing on that ground, the ground that says we are declared righteous and holy, based, not upon our performance, but on our faith in Christ.

We need to be sure we are standing on that ground and that our wife is standing there with us. The fears that women are often vulnerable to are often based on feelings. Faith in the gospel may produce feelings, but it is not grounded on feelings. We must know the facts of the truth of the gospel, believe that truth, and let the feelings do whatever they do. Helping our wife to understand that and to live there, is an important part of our ministry and gift to her.

Ephesians 5:26

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,” (Ephesians 5:25–26)

Last time we were talking about the fact that we husbands ought to be giving up ourselves to the task of helping our wife grow in her holiness.

What’s interesting to me is that if anyone in the home is interested in growth in holiness, it is more likely to be the wife. And yet, we are given the responsibility of nurturing our wife in spiritual things so that her growth in grace is evident to all.

The second half of verse 26 talks about Jesus cleansing His bride by the washing of water with the word. In John 15:3 Jesus says that the disciples are clean through the Word that was preached unto them. That is our responsibility as husbands.

As a Christian husband, I am the spiritual leader of my home. You are the leader of your home. It’s almost although we serve as pastors of our home. With that as our responsibility, what should we be doing? We should minister to our wives through the word.

What that means is to read, memorize, and meditate on the word so that it becomes an integral part of our life and personality. Then, we are to take the fruit of that word-saturated life and feed our wife with the spiritual truth that comes from it.

There are a couple of cautions I would mention. First, there is a tendency to wait until we think we have matured to the degree where we feel like we have something to offer. If you are newly married or just coming to grips with this teaching, don’t wait, but instead, begin immediately to spend time in the word and share with your wife what God is teaching you. You may stammer and stutter through it, but get started.

The second mistake, especially if your wife is more “spiritual” than you are, is to let her lead you. Yes, you can learn much from a wife who is well-versed in the Scripture, but even so, you need to share with her what God is teaching you. Don’t take a back row seat in this endeavor. Your pastor or another godly man in your life will be able to help you find the study materials, commentaries, and other sources that will help you in your spiritual growth.

The third mistake men fall into is the thought that they can become knowledgeable and mature in a week, and when it doesn’t work out that way, they become discouraged with the whole process. It takes time, but anything worth doing takes consistent efforts, one step at a time, one day at a time, to accomplish the goal.

When Paul talks about the role of women in the church, he writes that women should be silent. But here is the part I think is especially interesting. If a wife has a question that comes to mind during a church gathering, she should wait until she gets home and then ask her husband (1 Corinthians 14:35).

What does that mean, men? It means we need to be wide awake and alert when it comes to our spiritual growth and the teaching in our church, so that when our wife asks us these questions, we can answer them. If we don’t know the answer, we shouldn’t send them to the pastor to find out, we should go ourselves, learn the answer, and then go home and explain it to our wife. It is our responsibility to love our wife like Christ loved the church, sanctifying her and washing her with the Word of God.

Charles and Larry Discuss Sexual Sin, Jesus’ Compassion and Hell

These CL Discussions are imagined conversations between a conservative Christian and a liberal person. The conservative’s name is Charles. The liberal’s name is Larry. These are not real conversations. They are imagined and the conservative views are mine, a fact you would have had no trouble discerning yourself. The opinions of the Liberal are typical of people I have met over the years, but don’t reflect any one person’s point of view. I am not claiming that these discussions are unbiased. I’m using them as a means of organizing my own thoughts as well as possibly helping others clarify their own point of view as well.

Charles and Larry have met for breakfast and have been discussing a wide range of topics when Larry changes the subject…

L: I agree with the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage. And I think Jesus would have agreed. He was one to show compassion and not condemn people, don’t you think?

L: Think about the woman who was arrested while committing adultery. Jesus rebuked people for judging saying, “Let him who is without sin throw the first stone.”

C: When all of her accusers had left her, Jesus said, “I don’t condemn you either.”  This is just what you said. Somewhere else in the Bible Jesus said, “I have not come to condemn the world but to save it.” But Jesus said more than this to the woman. After he told her that he didn’t condemn her, he told her to go and don’t sin anymore.”

L: Yes, but he wasn’t condemning. And that’s the point. Christians today are so condemning. They’re no better than anyone else and yet they are often so condescending.

C: You’re right. Many of us are. But I think you’re missing an important point in what Jesus is saying. Jesus is not willing to let her go and continue in the life style she was engaged in. He called her adultery a sin. That’s different from the way modern people think. To most people today, adultery is not a sin. It’s a life style choice. But Jesus is telling her to stop. Jesus, the person who loves sinners the most does not want people to continue sinning because doing so will lead to eternal destruction.

L: First of all, I don’t believe adultery is a sin. I don’t really believe in sin as such unless you’re talking about abusing the most defenseless among us. That is sin. It is a sin to not pay people a fair wage and keep people in poverty. But whether someone has sex with someone he’s not married to is a personal matter and I certainly wouldn’t call it a sin. As long as both people are consenting and no one gets hurt, it can’t be a sin.

C: But Jesus thought so, didn’t he?

L: But Jesus lived at a different time. He was under different expectations from his culture.

C: Jesus went against the teachings of his Jewish culture all the time and he certainly went against the pagan culture of his time. And if Jesus was just acting out a part, and if he wasn’t giving actual true truth, then he must not have been God. Because I don’t think God would have played along with either the religious or the secular culture. God would tell it like it is.

L: Maybe so, but at least he had compassion on this woman and didn’t condemn her.

C: But I think you’re missing the point. He had compassion and so should we. But it is not compassion to let someone go without telling them that the path they are on is sinful. The path of sinning leads to eternal judgment in hell.

L: I don’t believe in hell and Jesus didn’t either.

C: Jesus said that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause is in danger of the judgment and whoever calls someone a fool is in danger of hell fire (Matt 5:22).

  1. I don’t believe Jesus said that. He was too loving to have said something like that.

C: It’s in the Bible.

D: But the Bible must not be right at that point. Jesus would not say that!

C: How should we know what Jesus actually said and what he didn’t? Just accept the parts we like and agree with? How are you going to know if any of it is true with that method?

D: No, but I just don’t believe Jesus would threaten someone with hell for calling someone a fool.

C: Jesus also said that if someone causes one of the young believers to stumble, it would be better for that man that a heavy stone be tied to him and be thrown into the sea rather than suffer what he was going to suffer. He went on to say that if your hand causes you to sin, it would be better to have it cut off than to go to hell where the fire is never quenched (Mark 9:42 and following).

C: So it doesn’t sound to me like your Jesus is compassionate in the same way you imagine. Jesus knows that sin is destructive. Sin will keep a person from God. God pleads with people saying, “Turn from your evil ways. Why will you die?” (Ezekiel 33:11).

C: That is true compassion. Someone who knows a course of action will lead a person to certain death and doesn’t do anything to warn them doesn’t love them very much.

Four Things Husbands Should Say Frequently

I love you.

Remember when you were engaged or newly married?  “I love you” was a common thing to say. We were feeling the joy of a new relationship and looking forward to all of the possibilities that God would provide in life. Then life began to take on a routine. Children may be added to the home and there is lot of work to do. Life can become hectic and sometimes frustrating. Often when that happens, the feelings of love are replaced by the feelings of a busy life.

Part of keeping things new, fresh and alive is telling your wife that you love her. It’s not enough to say, “You too!” after she tells you she loves you. Look her in the eye and tell her you love her. Do it frequently, purposefully and honestly.

Thank You

Say “Thank you” to your wife frequently. After each meal tell her thank you. Thank her when she brings you your dessert. Thank her for making the house a home. Thank her for her impact on the kids. Thank her for all the housework she does. Thank her for a romantic evening. Thank her for her godly example, her outreach to neighbors and anything else you can think of.

I’m sorry.

Men are notoriously bad at saying “I’m sorry.” When you have hurt her feelings, come home later than you planned, forgotten to call when you said you would, and for many other things, don’t fail to say you’re sorry. If your failure was especially grievous or frequent, ask her what you need to do to make it right. Say, “I’m sorry.”

What can I do to help?

It took me a long time to realize that my wife worked every bit as hard at her home responsibilities as I did at my job. For some reason, I felt that since I had put in a full day of work, I had the privilege of relaxing, reading or watching TV while she still had dishes to do or clothes to fold or children to care for through much of the evening. It finally dawned on me that we were in this as a team. If one of us wasn’t done, then we weren’t finished for the day yet.

So if you are sitting and relaxing watching your game or reading a book and your wife is busy with something, ask, “What can I do to help?” I often don’t like asking that question because there is enough work to do to keep both of us busy until bedtime. But it isn’t fair for one to have to work several more hours while the other is finished for the day. Learn to ask, “What can I do to help?”

These are four simple phrases to use frequently. If we learn to apply this principle, we will strengthen our marriages and glorify Christ by becoming the men God wants us to be.